Google Earth

Sunday, April 29, 2012


      Today is my sixth day with dejan. Today we toured Miami in a seaplane! We saw EVERYTHING! Even a HUGE ocean liner! It must have had 2000 PEOPLE! It was THAT BIG! The view was great from up there, and we even saw his house! The city looks like Legos from up here. It is kind of surprising how much we have in common, especially our sense of fun.

1 comment:

John SB said...

Day 2: like how you went ahead and found words in his native Croatian...great photos
Day 3:sushi-tempting link, I love sushi...white tuna...waving cat good luck
Day 4: South Beach...New World Symphony (would have been perfect place to insert some music!)...Bongos Cuban...good day
Day 5: skydiving with Dejan
Day 6:seaplane...a shared sense of fun

Great entries, Max. Still longing for a little New World Symphony sound. I really like how you bonded with Dejan and simply played around Miami, giving me a sense of that place. I wish there would have been one more entry that described his trucking business more. Your human connection was marvelous. I just wanted to hear about your loan at least once more other than in your intro.

On another note, I would love for you to separate your Maruge Revisit entries from your Dejan ones. If you go to Edit Post, at the bottom of the window you can edit your posting dates which will put the most recent dates at the top. By redating Maruge and Dejan, you can separate them. If you can't figure that out, I will show you.