Google Earth

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


      Today is the second day of my visit with Dejan. We were talking about currency exchange, and how we were glad that we didn't loose anything over currency exchange, since we were both in America, and speak English. He needs a bigger fleet of trucks for his company, and he is dreaming BIG!

      Even though he speaks English, I thought I might want to know his original language, Croatian, which sounds a lot like Russian.
So, here are a few words that I found:

  1. hi : bok
  2. where is the bathroom : Gdje je zahod
  3. how are you? : kako ste?
  4. my name is... : moje ime ja...
  5. my : moje
  6. trucks : kamioni
  7. drive : voziti
  8. speak : govoriti
  9. croatia : Hrvatska
  10. peace on earth : mir na zemlji

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